Port-Vila, Vanuatu – 22 August 2022: Few days after visiting the schools and people in Santo, the team of the National University of Vanuatu (NUV) landed in Tanna to meet with the potential new NUV applicants for 2023.
Students and communities in Tanna were delighted to meet the NUV team, learn more about the various programs offered and asked questions. From 17 to 20 August 2022, the NUV team visited students in various secondary schools like Tafea College, Isangel Collee, Lenakel Secondary Schools, Lawanatom College… An awareness session was also organised at the market to reach a wider audience. The visit of the NUV team was scheduled in a timely manner as the NUV inscriptions for 2023 academic year opened on 8 August 2022 and will close on 30 September 2022.
The NUV will offer six diplomas for the 2023 academic year: the Bachelor’s degree in Economic and Social Administration, the Bachelor’s degree in Tourism and Hospitality, the Bachelor of Environmental Sciences, the Master’s degree in Economic Social Sciences, the Diploma in Information and Communication Technology and the Diploma in Climate Resilience and Humanitarian Action.
Stephen Silas, the Student Academic and Support Services Officer at the NUV, said “We received a fantastic welcome. Students are interested and excited to see us. They asked many a lot of questions. It is important to provide this support. After the session, they have a better understanding of the opportunities offered to them”.
The application forms as well as additional information can be found on the NUV website at https://www.univ.edu.vu/en/trainings/admission-registration.
The development of the NUV is aligned with Vanuatu People’s Plan and the Vanuatu Education and Training Sector Strategic Plan. The focus of education and training under the NUV and associated institutions are based on the priorities of the country’s National Human Resource Development Plan 2020-2030 (NHRDP).